dschultz56: DSCN0445
dschultz56: Megatree1
dschultz56: Megaornaments
dschultz56: Sidewalk
dschultz56: 3 foot trees
dschultz56: Christmas Balls and Stacker
dschultz56: LIght Rings
dschultz56: Megaornaments1
dschultz56: RGB Floods
dschultz56: Megatree4
dschultz56: Megatree2
dschultz56: Megatree Skirt
dschultz56: Winner Sign
dschultz56: Megatreee
dschultz56: Light Rings
dschultz56: Megatree and 8 Foot
dschultz56: New 4 Foot Trees
dschultz56: New DMX Floodlights
dschultz56: Flags
dschultz56: Flags
dschultz56: DSCN0156
dschultz56: Logo at Night
dschultz56: DSCN0668
dschultz56: Docked next to Allure of the Seas
dschultz56: DSCN0460
dschultz56: Docked next to Allure of the Seas
dschultz56: Docked next to Allure of the Seas
dschultz56: DSCN0414
dschultz56: DSCN0224
dschultz56: DSCN0286