lobster and swan: Interiors journal page 6
lobster and swan: matchbox challenge complete!
lobster and swan: Confetti Wreath
annamariahorner: framed.fabric
peregrine blue: the clothesline....unfinished fabric art
Little Miss Shabby: Pillow Talk 6 Mosaic
jude hill: small journey's edge
jude hill: quilting a ring of hope
Kirsten Chursinoff: Spotted Towhee
Karen Cattoire: Voyage onirique / Musing
spice-c7: April 12, 2009 NotATC S.S. Nozze In Amalfi...elaines dad
Dhana Metta: Gordon
Graça Paz lifestyle* atelier xt: To Lisbon /Para Lisboa
MANUE54: ART JOURNAL ABC...............H
decor8: Amsterdam
decor8: Amsterdam
fastrotefrau: Patchworkspirale
fastrotefrau: Eugen mit besticktem Hemd
fastrotefrau: Knöpfe
Caro's Lines: Shanty
Live Blasphemy: Gaahl & King
.:Butterfly LXT:.: La casa de las brujas / The House of the Witches
kbaxterpackwood: Posies 2
lubsy1uk: Wool - traded