dotintime: every day is...
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Be Happy like these vivacious Hibiscus!
merobson: Navy Pier Fireworks
riaskiff: 100.365 100
dotintime: ironing day
dotintime: learning from the masters
merobson: The Barn
merobson: Sunrise Through the Trees
merobson: Day 4 - Sunrise
merobson: Pink and Green
dotintime: opposing views
dotintime: irises reflected
justmakeit: Quilt for Boaz
dotintime: calla
merobson: Kathy and Marc
Joyce in the CactusPatch: Just Joey rose and French hollyhocks
dotintime: lily white
merobson: Spring
merobson: Fiona Has Some Flower Petals For You
TheFairView: Fisheye Peach Blossom
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Cluster of red-edged jade plant leaves
TheFairView: an actual flower! The first flower!
merobson: Snow Day
TheFairView: You know who loves a snowstorm?
dotintime: the forest
TheFairView: Self-portrait
dotintime: crane
dotintime: paperwhites, too
the workroom: New #cottonandsteel #bluebirdfabrics are arriving next week! Preorder your bundle and favourite prints!