spencercasa: Hello beautiful fall morning.
spencercasa: Packer girls! #wheninrome
spencercasa: Suddenly I like when the Target cashier gives my kids stickers. #donttellshaun #peaceandquiet
spencercasa: Bzzzzzzz
spencercasa: Happy Saturday #intheredminivanthatbroughtsexyback #donttellshaun #ihavethreekids #icanquitwheneveriwant #itsallgoingtobeokay
spencercasa: #mycityiscoolerthanyours
spencercasa: The Terrace.
spencercasa: Date night! #intheredminivanthatbroughtsexyback
spencercasa: A lovely Wisconsin drive. #intheredminivanthatbroughtsexyback
spencercasa: Bald but still cute.
spencercasa: Someone wanted to sit in a big girl chair for breakfast.
spencercasa: This is happening. #alreadyfeelgross #mykidsaretooexcited #idriveaminivan #donttellshaun
spencercasa: Friends for life.
spencercasa: Cheeks.
spencercasa: This counts as a bath, right? I mean one of them is already naked.
spencercasa: Donuts in the park? Don't mind if I do!
spencercasa: fb etsy
spencercasa: I <3 Wisconsin.
spencercasa: I like fudgsicles.
spencercasa: Corn on the cob!
spencercasa: THIS is happening. #goingoutinpublic #matchymatchy #ialsodriveaminivan
spencercasa: Poolside at the "resort".
spencercasa: A hammock is a great place to rest after spending the morning thinking about how much my bathroom needs to be cleaned. #simplyexhausted #mybathroomrivalsamensgasstationbathroom
spencercasa: Morning light. #viewfrommyfrontporch
spencercasa: Love it in Madison!
spencercasa: Sometimes you see a water buffalo head.
spencercasa: A lovely walk yesterday.
spencercasa: A lovely evening. (And then she peed).
spencercasa: A shopping cart and Starbucks iced mocha in her size. She's in heaven. #shesdefinitelymydaughter
spencercasa: Always one step behind this girl. She never stops moving!