eliz.avery: Shirley you jest!
eliz.avery: Manifest faith with courage and a funny hat!
eliz.avery: In Spring a young man's fancy turns to
eliz.avery: Singin' silhouette
eliz.avery: That's how they dance when they're happy!
eliz.avery: One great big multiple personality disorder
eliz.avery: Yes, I think it's pretty campe!
eliz.avery: Pig records?
eliz.avery: A full panel of family favorites
eliz.avery: Archie and Jughead in the 60s
eliz.avery: He's got the world on his shoulders
eliz.avery: Actually Lil' Wally is swearing at you in Polish
eliz.avery: Polka juke box
eliz.avery: Because David Frost is SO much more urbane and witty than those La Leche League consultants!
eliz.avery: Polka had poppers
eliz.avery: Watching TV with jazz hands
eliz.avery: Hippie harpin'
eliz.avery: Harping with hobbits
eliz.avery: Hugo & Luigi
eliz.avery: Or maybe some new front teeth?
eliz.avery: He was sitting in Grandma's rocking chair?
eliz.avery: "If you're happy, notify your face?"
eliz.avery: Apostles Greed?
eliz.avery: You thought you had plenty of time.
eliz.avery: No time is the right time
eliz.avery: Have a very Disco Christmas
eliz.avery: A Lundstorm for Christmas.
eliz.avery: Childhood Bloopers?
eliz.avery: I do believe Pixanne
eliz.avery: But hard on the stomach