eliz.avery: Found photo of a goat in a hula costume
eliz.avery: Swissvale roofline
eliz.avery: Helio Oiticica sculpture at the Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh.
eliz.avery: "Votes for Women" handkerchief
eliz.avery: Hillary Clinton & Tim Kaine in PA
eliz.avery: Your instructions for the day.
eliz.avery: I love that weird stuff like this just shows up in my neighborhood.
eliz.avery: Self portrait with my grandmother.
eliz.avery: Projection portrait
eliz.avery: Intensely emo mannequin.
eliz.avery: Ai Weiwei reflecting Warhol
eliz.avery: Bear. Hope the picture taker left before the bear made it up the hill! (Found photo.)
eliz.avery: Family at the beach. Possibly the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I'm guessing 1930s.
eliz.avery: Found photo. Old country couple on a significant anniversary (50th maybe?). I love how solemn they are about the whole thing.
eliz.avery: Heart broken for Orlando
eliz.avery: Ai Wei wei
eliz.avery: Birthday baby
eliz.avery: Granddaddy & kids
eliz.avery: The view from Avery Point
eliz.avery: Clematis vine
eliz.avery: Many of my Republican friends are wishing Ike were running right now.
eliz.avery: Light transforms my stairs
eliz.avery: Dark mountain road
eliz.avery: Long shadows on a January afternoon
eliz.avery: Crazy shadows
eliz.avery: Reflections
eliz.avery: Boring apartment building, desolate tree, wild reflections
eliz.avery: Broken sky
eliz.avery: Happy Hula Days and Merry Chrimbus to all!
eliz.avery: Sandwich loaf