eliz.avery: Excuse me, but your nose is on fire.
eliz.avery: Really tempting, but no thanks......
eliz.avery: Over eager?
eliz.avery: I hate it when old people don't dress their age!
eliz.avery: From the Department of Stating the Ridiculously Obvious
eliz.avery: American Gladiator
eliz.avery: Do you think she takes after me?
eliz.avery: Mmmm... that brown colon candy looks great!
eliz.avery: A little bit of white trash
eliz.avery: Art car or car art? I hope....
eliz.avery: And some days the bear gets you...
eliz.avery: Tacky, tacky, tacky!
eliz.avery: Wonder how long this marriage lasted?
eliz.avery: Land shark
eliz.avery: Thrift shop soap opera
eliz.avery: What the normal people do in Normalville
eliz.avery: Truth in advertising!!
eliz.avery: "And what a man he is!"
eliz.avery: She's just not herself today
eliz.avery: Graveyard Ghost
eliz.avery: Humpty Dumpty, R.I.P.
eliz.avery: Je suis
eliz.avery: "HO S" at Hooters? No!
eliz.avery: We never would have known if you hadn't told us!
eliz.avery: Don't get lost gals! They're watching....
eliz.avery: Tudor Jerk
eliz.avery: Thanks for telling me. I wasn't sure.