eliz.avery: American Gladiator
eliz.avery: Really tempting, but no thanks......
eliz.avery: Suburban dream
eliz.avery: And all this time I thought the burning was the flames of Hellfire....
eliz.avery: Tobasco!
eliz.avery: I don't remember this chapter and verse
eliz.avery: Graveyard Ghost
eliz.avery: Jeez Reverend, Is the name calling really necessary?
eliz.avery: Humpty Dumpty, R.I.P.
eliz.avery: Je suis
eliz.avery: Baby Alive. But apparently not for long.
eliz.avery: I guess it's a miss.
eliz.avery: I hate it when old people don't dress their age!
eliz.avery: You see the weirdest people in thrift shops
eliz.avery: Apparently, Granny and her sofa both got sent to the thrift shop.
eliz.avery: Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right....
eliz.avery: From the Department of Stating the Ridiculously Obvious
eliz.avery: Coming soon to a hedge near you!
eliz.avery: Do you think she takes after me?
eliz.avery: Ingredient-list Fail
eliz.avery: Mmmm... that brown colon candy looks great!
eliz.avery: If lovin' these is Bawang, I don't wanna be ba-right.
eliz.avery: But it's hard to see with ice cream on your eyes!
eliz.avery: Truckstop books
eliz.avery: Brooklyn pet store sign. Those New York pets are tough!
eliz.avery: Wow Wade, it sounds really fun but I think I'll pass...
eliz.avery: The oubleTre Pig-Latin Hotel
eliz.avery: He'll give you nine hours of happy
eliz.avery: Where'd you hide the body?