eliz.avery: Does your Bear need service?
eliz.avery: Now we know where it is....
eliz.avery: What the normal people do in Normalville
eliz.avery: Truth in advertising!!
eliz.avery: Hooked on Phonix Roll
eliz.avery: But will Glinda be a good Zombie or a bad one?
eliz.avery: McPAIN (the less juvenile version)
eliz.avery: General alarm!
eliz.avery: Pre-smelled for your dining pleasure!
eliz.avery: Intestine soup
eliz.avery: Finger food
eliz.avery: Don't get lost gals! They're watching....
eliz.avery: The Presbyterian rapture...
eliz.avery: I Love beside with you too!
eliz.avery: Square women
eliz.avery: Hard work & giggling
eliz.avery: We never would have known if you hadn't told us!
eliz.avery: Missing a point on that compass fella!
eliz.avery: Yep. I've noticed that they don't work so well when closed.
eliz.avery: Thanks for offer!
eliz.avery: Apparently, "Secure I" wasn't.
eliz.avery: Because some years, enduring 365 is not enough.
eliz.avery: I'll bring the band name. You bring everything else. OK?
eliz.avery: Tacky, tacky, tacky!
eliz.avery: "HO S" at Hooters? No!
eliz.avery: Shoe orgy
eliz.avery: A note someone left on my front door
eliz.avery: Truckstop books
eliz.avery: But it's hard to see with ice cream on your eyes!