ems18: AT 100 Mile Wilderness warning, Monson Maine
ems18: North Pond Outlet
ems18: Little Wilson cascade
ems18: Adventure awaits
ems18: 6-20-09 Vaughn Stream Falls
ems18: Spire
ems18: Screw Auger falls, upper falls
ems18: Screw Auger Falls (6) stream level shot
ems18: Screw Auger falls, lower falls
ems18: It's Official: This is a scenic area
ems18: Crawford Pond
ems18: Appalachian Trail, Crawford Pond Outlet
ems18: Cooper Brook, from the Jo-Mary Road
ems18: Perched erratic and Mud Pond, version #2
ems18: Potawadjo Ridge, view to Jo-Mary Mountain
ems18: Otter snack
ems18: No crowds, just sand, lake and mountains
ems18: Morning, Pemadumcook Lake, #8 (canoe across time)
ems18: Morning, Pemadumcook Lake #4
ems18: Tumbledown falls
ems18: Nahmakanta sunset #4
ems18: Reflections
ems18: Near Nesuntabunt peak
ems18: Katahdin above Nahmakanta Lake
ems18: Cascade, Rainbow Stream
ems18: Rainbow Stream shelter
ems18: Katahdin in the mist
ems18: Rainbow Lake, near the Rainbow Lake tenting site
ems18: Katahdin from Rainbow ledges, another view
ems18: Katahdin view #1