ems18: Goodell Brook waterfall on digital
ems18: A small rise
ems18: Hiking is a green activity
ems18: Leeman Brook falls, Elliotsville, vertical shot, May 10, 2008
ems18: Outlet thorofare
ems18: Main falls, vertical shot
ems18: Stairway to . . .
ems18: O'Keeffe #3
ems18: Thompson Brook - Upper falls, lower tier, vertical
ems18: Thompson Brook, upper falls of the upper tier, May 24, 2008
ems18: Wilber Brook study #1 6-20-09
ems18: Vaughn Stream, main falls, upper portion vertical
ems18: Otter Pond again
ems18: Spire
ems18: Chairback Falls #2 6-13-09
ems18: Middle Screw Auger falls, vertical shot
ems18: Screw Auger Falls (13) Gorge below upper Screw Auger Falls - vertical shot
ems18: Gorge view, vertical #1
ems18: Near Crawford Pond
ems18: Cooper Brook shelter
ems18: Bog
ems18: Rocky shore
ems18: Near Nesuntabunt peak
ems18: Katahdin in the mist