ems18: AT Trail sign, Monson
ems18: Spectacle Pond, evening
ems18: Goodell Brook, upper falls
ems18: Waiting - Bell Pond
ems18: Lily Pond
ems18: North Pond Outlet
ems18: Main falls, horizontal shot
ems18: Little Wilson Falls in Winter
ems18: Cascade
ems18: White blaze
ems18: View to Borestone Mountain
ems18: Adventure awaits
ems18: Appalachian Trail, Wilson Valley Shelter 6-27-09
ems18: 6-20-09 Vaughn Stream Falls
ems18: Exposed - Slugundy falls, upper falls, water shot
ems18: View from Barren ledges, looking southeast
ems18: One more
ems18: Open ledge and wind-flagged spruce, Chairback Mountain summit, July 2006
ems18: Screw Auger falls, upper falls
ems18: Side view
ems18: Screw Auger falls, lower falls
ems18: AT trail scene
ems18: Appalachian Trail, Crawford Pond Outlet
ems18: Cooper Brook Shelter
ems18: Erratic
ems18: Cooper Brook, from the Jo-Mary Road
ems18: Cooper Pond outlet
ems18: Bent
ems18: Otter rock
ems18: Reflections