ems18: Marr Pond, Sangerville
ems18: 16 Onawa Lake, Barren Ledges and Bodfish Intervale from Borestone Mountain, October 2004
ems18: 15 Big Wilson Falls, vertical, September 28, 1991
ems18: Woods road, east Sangerville Maine
ems18: Wilson Stream ice floe, May 5, 2007
ems18: Rock wall, maple trees and pumpkins, east Sangerville, October 1999
ems18: Winter is here!
ems18: Christmas Poem
ems18: Groundfall (2)
ems18: View from Barren ledges, looking southeast
ems18: Ice Out
ems18: The face of winter (1)
ems18: Springtime in Piscataquis
ems18: Barrows Falls
ems18: Another news item from Maine
ems18: April Fools day
ems18: One cord
ems18: Ice Storm 17
ems18: Meanwhile, back here in Maine . . .
ems18: September 11th - Two verses and three poems