ems18: Sun-lit tamarack, north Guilford
ems18: Tamaracks
ems18: Looking Up Oct. 2008
ems18: Winter raven
ems18: Winter maple
ems18: Harold's maple grove
ems18: Sugar bush 6-7-09
ems18: Southern Piscataquis Waterfall Hike 10-10-09 002
ems18: Harbinger
ems18: East Sangerville fall color series 002
ems18: Knowlton Mills Road, near Lemieux's Christmas Tree farm
ems18: Birches
ems18: Birches #3
ems18: Birches #2
ems18: Birches #1
ems18: AT trail scene
ems18: Bottle Brook in winter
ems18: Evening birches on the Foss Pond Road
ems18: Evening scene, Kennebec River, version 2
ems18: Bent
ems18: How many board feet?
ems18: Still higher
ems18: AT Trail Scene
ems18: Big and little
ems18: Marr Pond Woods #2
ems18: White Pine
ems18: White Pine
ems18: Back field in winter
ems18: Trail scene 6-20-09
ems18: Bottle Brook Falls, looking up #3