ems18: Pollywog Pond again
ems18: Pollywog Pond
ems18: Pollywog Pond again
ems18: Pollywog Pond
ems18: Clear water and mussel shells
ems18: Beach art
ems18: Fall colors
ems18: Car ad?
ems18: Pollywog Gorge
ems18: Ferns along the access trail to Pollywog falls
ems18: Pollywog Pond outlet
ems18: Pollywog Pond outlet falls
ems18: Pollywog Stream
ems18: Pollywog falls, upper portion
ems18: Pollywog falls, upper portion, another view
ems18: Pollywog falls
ems18: Pollywog falls, lower portion, distant shot
ems18: Pollywog Stream, below Pollywog falls
ems18: Gorge wall in Pollywog gorge
ems18: Pollywog Gorge, another view
ems18: Pollywog Gorge