ems18: Knowlton Mills
ems18: Three Bobs again
ems18: Bob and Bob at Bob's
ems18: Bob and Bob at Bottle Brook
ems18: Bottle Brook redux
ems18: Bob and Bob at Bottle Brook falls
ems18: Bottle Brook, vertical
ems18: "Clinging to their guns and religion"
ems18: The obligatory moose
ems18: Photographing moose
ems18: Morning at Wilson Pond Camps
ems18: Clear
ems18: Window view
ems18: Morning view #2
ems18: Morning view
ems18: Go Slow
ems18: Another cabin
ems18: Indian Pond Cabin
ems18: First Roach Pond
ems18: Bob and Bob at Lazy Tom Bog
ems18: Wild Iris
ems18: Big Spencer Mountain
ems18: Little Spencer Mountain
ems18: Idyllic
ems18: Taking photos
ems18: Bob and Bob posing at Lily Bay State Park
ems18: Wild rose at Lily Bay State Park
ems18: Big Wilson Falls again
ems18: Bob and Bob at Big Wilson Falls
ems18: Big Wilson Falls