ems18: Letchworth State Park, middle falls
ems18: Letchworth State Park, middle falls again
ems18: Detail
ems18: Cauldron
ems18: A big boof
ems18: Letchworth State Park, upper falls
ems18: The start of something big
ems18: Floor of the gorge
ems18: State record
ems18: Southern view
ems18: From Inspiration Point
ems18: Raft trip
ems18: Middle falls at Letchworth State Park, New York, August 2007
ems18: Lower falls at Letchworth State Park, New York, August 2007
ems18: Jenny and Chris at Letchworth State Park
ems18: Jenny at Mary Jemison display
ems18: Jenny at Mary Jemison display
ems18: 100_2409
ems18: Jenny at Onadaga Council House, Letchworth State Park
ems18: Going
ems18: Jenny and Chris
ems18: Jenny and Chris
ems18: Jemison Cabin again
ems18: Mary Jemison's story
ems18: Mary Jemison Cabin and Onadaga Council House
ems18: Plains Indian artifacts
ems18: Mastodon skull
ems18: Letchworth State Park