ems18: Maine road bridge 7-3-09
ems18: Thorn Brook ATV bridge
ems18: Would you trust this bridge? 7-11-09
ems18: Low's Bridge (1), June 6, 2008
ems18: 13 High Bridge from upstream, July 14, 2007
ems18: Recycled?
ems18: New Bridge in Willimantic village
ems18: Old snowmobile bridge over Thompson Brook, view from upstream, May 24, 2008
ems18: Maintenance needed
ems18: Waterfall and bridge, Abbot village, Piscataquis County Maine
ems18: Pleasant River Walk, Brownville, 10-4-08
ems18: Bridge over Squaw Brook 5-30-09
ems18: Bridge over Squaw Brook 5-30-09
ems18: Another view of the bridge
ems18: Barrows Falls
ems18: East Branch, Pleasant River