ems18: Big and Little
ems18: Baker Falls #3 5-30-09
ems18: The Baker? 5-30-09
ems18: Cascade on upper Moose Brook 5-30-09
ems18: Squaw Falls (1) 5-16-09
ems18: Above the falls (2) 5-16-09
ems18: Goodell Brook waterfall on digital
ems18: Goodell Brook, upper falls, June 21, 2008, horizontal
ems18: Goodell Brook, Upper Falls, 5-2-09
ems18: Goodell Brook, lower falls, downstream view 5-25-09
ems18: Goodell Brook, lower falls, 5-2-09
ems18: Top of the main falls another version 7-3-09
ems18: Southern Piscataquis Waterfall Hike 10-10-09 110
ems18: Leeman Brook falls, Elliotsville, upper portion, May 10, 2008
ems18: Leeman Brook falls, Elliotsville, vertical shot, May 10, 2008
ems18: North Pond Brook
ems18: North Pond Brook falls, main falls (3), May 10, 2008
ems18: North Pond Brook falls, lower falls (3), May 10, 2008
ems18: Little Wilson Stream, falls below AT crossing
ems18: Upper Shirley gorge, lower falls with boulder, close shot, June 21, 2008, full sun
ems18: Lower falls and pool in middle Shirley Gorge
ems18: Photographing the lower falls 6-6-09
ems18: Lower Shirley Falls, detail shot, June 14, 2008
ems18: Upper Shirley Falls 6-6-09
ems18: Bunker Brook, approach to lower falls
ems18: Bunker Brook, slide falls
ems18: 14 Cliff Falls, Greenville, vertical shot
ems18: Falls #1 & 2 again
ems18: Wilson gorge, falls #3 & 4
ems18: Wilson gorge, 10-11-08 fall #5