ems18: It's coming!
ems18: Waterfall Hike 10-16-09
ems18: The way Life Should Be
ems18: Wilson Gorge, 10-16-09
ems18: At Gales Brook Falls
ems18: Now that I've had my morning coffee . . .
ems18: 100_0355
ems18: A quick photo
ems18: Captured
ems18: Pool
ems18: Southern Piscataquis Waterfall Hike 10-10-09 016
ems18: Southern Piscataquis Waterfall Hike 10-10-09 038
ems18: Southern Piscataquis Waterfall Hike 10-10-09 048
ems18: Southern Piscataquis Waterfall Hike 10-10-09 052