ems18: Black Stream Falls, October 8, 2007 (2)
ems18: Black Stream Falls October 22, 2007
ems18: Black Stream Falls, Sangerville, view from downstream
ems18: Wild roses at Black Stream Falls 6-17-09
ems18: Fishing the Pool
ems18: Jon fishing at Black Stream Falls, June 21, 2008
ems18: Black Stream (8) - Knowlton Mills
ems18: Black Stream (9) - Knowlton Mills (built to last)
ems18: Black Stream (7)
ems18: Black Stream (1)
ems18: Black Stream (4)
ems18: Waiting for Spring - Black Stream (5)
ems18: Black Stream (3)
ems18: Black Stream (12)
ems18: Black Stream (2)
ems18: Black Stream (6)
ems18: Jenny senior photo shoot 790
ems18: Jenny's senior photo shoot 996
ems18: Jenny senior photo shoot 736
ems18: Jenny senior photo shoot 687
ems18: Jenny's senior photo shoot 970
ems18: Jenny's senior photo shoot 1047
ems18: 13 (a) Knowlton's Mill fall shot
ems18: Jenny senior photo shoot 966
ems18: Jenny senior photo shoot 746
ems18: Jenny's senior photo shoot 1330
ems18: Jenny senior photo shoot 710
ems18: Knowlton Mills Grist Mill Historic Photo
ems18: East Sangerville fall color series 003
ems18: East Sangerville fall color series 004