ems18: Barrows falls from the bridge June 16, 2007
ems18: Barrows Falls
ems18: Rock pile 5-30-09
ems18: Barrows falls
ems18: Barrows falls - Looking down into the gorge
ems18: Barrows Falls 6-6-09
ems18: Upper gorge at Barrow's Falls 6-6-09
ems18: Swiss Cheese #1
ems18: Swiss Cheese #2
ems18: Barrows falls - Hydraulic erosion features
ems18: The river, from above
ems18: Rocks and water
ems18: Canadian Dogwood (bunchberry) at Barrows Falls 6-6-09
ems18: Trail at Barrows Falls 6-6-09
ems18: Barrows falls - Typical path along the gorge wall
ems18: Barrows falls - Nature-scupted slate
ems18: Vertical ledge and leaf litter
ems18: More textures
ems18: Ground cover
ems18: Hydraulic erosion feature, detail
ems18: Sculpted
ems18: Reflections 6-6-09
ems18: Stone Island 6-6-09
ems18: Barrows falls - Lower end of the gorge
ems18: Lower end of the gorge
ems18: Below the gorge
ems18: Elemental view