ems18: Spring flora, Wilson gorge
ems18: Colony of trillium at the base of the falls
ems18: "Blue flag" iris along the Pleasant River, June 30, 2007
ems18: Wild roses and irises at Wonderland, Acadia N.P. July 1993
ems18: Wonderland, Acadia N.P. July 1993, vertical
ems18: Wonderland, Acadia N.P. July 1993 horizontal (1)
ems18: 18 Wild Roses on Baker Island, Maine
ems18: Jenny and Hawkweed, May 1991
ems18: Wild irises, Kineo Island, July 4, 1991
ems18: Fungus and forget-me-not (2) 5-20-09
ems18: Fungus and forget-me-not (1) 5-20-09 007
ems18: Macro (2) 5-20-09
ems18: Macro (1) 5-20-09
ems18: Elderberry tree in flower, Little Moose MPRL, 5-30-09
ems18: Wild strawberry blossoms in Little Moose Unit MPRL, 5-30-09
ems18: Viburnum thicket, Little Moose MPRL, 5-30-09
ems18: Viburnum ("hobblebush") in Little Moose MPRL, 5-30-09
ems18: More viburnum in Little Moose Unit MPRL 5-30-09
ems18: Viburnum, 5-30-09
ems18: Canadian Dogwood 5-30-09
ems18: Ground cover near the trail head to Trout Pond 5-30-09
ems18: Trillium 5-30-09
ems18: Pink ladyslipper next to Appalachian Trail, part of a colony
ems18: White Ladyslippers
ems18: Canadian Dogwood (bunchberry) at Barrows Falls 6-6-09
ems18: Lupines 6-7-09
ems18: Dwarf azalea on Borestone 6-20-09
ems18: Wild roses at Black Stream Falls 6-17-09
ems18: Black-eyed Susans, Sangerville, Maine
ems18: Roadside roses, lupine and dillweed, Route 15, Dover-Foxcroft