ems18: Bob and Bob hiking the access trail to Little Wilson falls
ems18: Lower falls, June 23, 2007 low water
ems18: Little Wilson Stream, above the lower falls
ems18: Low water reflections
ems18: Little Wilson Stream, above the lower falls, June 23, 2007, low water horizontal shot
ems18: Not my fault
ems18: Maine Toothpicks 7-5-09
ems18: Double portrait in situ, 7-5-09
ems18: Little Wilson falls, spring 2009
ems18: Second falls on Little Wilson Stream 7-5-09
ems18: Little Wilson Stream, second falls
ems18: Second falls, view #2 on Little Wilson Stream 7-5-09
ems18: Turtle Rock 5-2-09
ems18: Stream scene on Little Wilson
ems18: Picnic spot?
ems18: Bench seating
ems18: Upstream from the benches
ems18: Another version
ems18: Looking downstream at the benches
ems18: Farther upstream
ems18: Stream bank
ems18: Little Wilson stream scene
ems18: Little Wilson Stream, falls below AT crossing
ems18: Not quarried
ems18: Dark view
ems18: The hatchet
ems18: Slate
ems18: Rocks and Roots
ems18: Stairway to . . .
ems18: Stairmaster