ems18: Gauntlet Falls, looking upstream above the falls
ems18: Gauntlet Falls, from above, July 2007
ems18: Gauntlet Falls, from above (2)
ems18: Gauntlet Falls, erosion features
ems18: Gauntlet Falls, scene below the pool
ems18: Typical ground cover near Gauntlet Falls
ems18: Gauntlet Falls, below the falls, looking downstream
ems18: Typical pool downstream from Gauntlet Falls
ems18: Typical river scene below Gauntlet Falls
ems18: River Scene, East Branch, Pleasant River, below Gauntlet Falls
ems18: River and ledge (1)
ems18: River and ledge (2) below Gauntlet Falls
ems18: Lower Gauntlet Falls - vertical shot July 2007
ems18: Lower Gauntlet Falls - horizontal shot
ems18: Lower Gauntlet Falls - vertical again
ems18: Lower Gauntlet Falls - distant horizontal shot
ems18: Lower Gauntlet Falls - distant vertical shot (3)
ems18: Small cascades, horizontal shot, with pine, below lower Gauntlet Falls
ems18: Rock wall downstream from lower Gauntlet Falls
ems18: Small cascades, pool and ledge, below lower Gauntlet falls
ems18: Typical water erosion features below Lower Gauntlet Falls
ems18: Silent sentinel (2)
ems18: Sentinal falls, from downstream
ems18: Mud Gauntlet Falls - horizontal shot July 2007
ems18: Mud Gauntlet Falls - vertical shot
ems18: East branch, Pleasant River, below Mud Gauntlet Falls
ems18: TB R10 WELS - Gauntlet Falls