ems18: Castine Historic Society Museum, August 1997
ems18: Jennifer, Jonathan and U.S.S. Maine
ems18: Ship paintings (1)
ems18: Ship paintings (2)
ems18: Ship paintings (3)
ems18: Tapestry 4
ems18: Tapestry 3
ems18: Tapestry 2
ems18: Tapestry 1
ems18: Dice Head lighthouse, Castine Maine, August 1997
ems18: Shore below Dice Head, Castine
ems18: More history in Castine
ems18: Jennifer, Jonathan and revolutionary era cannon
ems18: Another historic marker in Castine
ems18: President's house
ems18: Downtown Castine
ems18: Juxtaposed
ems18: MMA training ship (1)
ems18: MMA training ship (2)
ems18: Jenny and Jon at Castine harbor (1)
ems18: Jenny and Jon at Castine harbor (2)