ems18: Overlook near Northeast Harbor
ems18: Town dock
ems18: Jen, Jon & ducks, Northeast Harbor
ems18: Trail up Norumbega Mountain (2)
ems18: View from Norumbega Mountain, looking south
ems18: Beth and Jon on Norumbega Mountain
ems18: Lower Hadlock Pond (not sure)
ems18: Cliffside trail (1)
ems18: Cliffside trail (2)
ems18: Cliffside trees and lobster boat
ems18: Lobster boat (2)
ems18: Winging it - headland and seagull
ems18: Lobster boats at their moorings
ems18: Bear Island Light, August 1997
ems18: Bear Island Light (2)
ems18: Boating off MDI (13)
ems18: Bear Island Light (3)
ems18: Boating off MDI (12) - Millionaires' Row
ems18: Boating off MDI (8) with Bear Island Light
ems18: Boating off MDI (11)
ems18: Boating off MDI (10)
ems18: Boating off MDI (9)
ems18: Boating off MDI (7)
ems18: Boating off MDI (6), view to Bear Island
ems18: Boating off MDI (5), view to Bear Island
ems18: Boating off MDI (4)
ems18: Boating in Sommes Sound
ems18: Rolling downhill at Kimball Terrace Inn (1)