ems18: Kingsbury Stream #1
ems18: Kingsbury Stream, below Abbot village falls, 10-11-08
ems18: 6 Kingsbury Stream, below old Route 15 bridge, Abbot village, September 1991
ems18: Waterfall and bridge, Abbot village, Piscataquis County Maine
ems18: Southern Piscataquis Waterfall Hike 10-10-09 010
ems18: Waterfall, Kingsbury Stream, Abbot village #2
ems18: Southern Piscataquis Waterfall Hike 10-10-09 008
ems18: 5 Falls above Route 15 bridge, Abbot village, vertical shot
ems18: Kingsbury Stream in winter
ems18: Kingsbury Stream, Abbot, at Route 15 bridge, May 10, 2008
ems18: Kingsbury Stream #2
ems18: 20 Late fall colors on Kingsbury Stream, Parkman, 2006
ems18: 23 Kingsbury Stream, September 2006 (4)
ems18: Kingsbury Stream, Parkman, Piscataquis County Maine 5-25-09
ems18: Trout! 5-25-09
ems18: 15 Kingsbury Stream in winter, downstream from falls below Thorn Brook
ems18: 14 Falls below Thorn Brook in winter, vertical shot
ems18: Kingsbury Stream, falls below Thorn Brook, vertical 5-25-09
ems18: Kingsbury Stream, falls below Thorn Brook 5-25-09
ems18: 27 Kingsbury Stream below Thorn Brook, May 25, 2007 horizontal (2)
ems18: 25 Kingsbury Stream below Thorn Brook, May 25, 2007, vertical shot
ems18: 26 Kingsbury Stream below Thorn Brook, May 25, 2007, vertical (2)
ems18: Kingsbury Stream, Abbot, below Thorn Brook, fall view
ems18: Southern Piscataquis Waterfall Hike 10-10-09 035
ems18: Southern Piscataquis Waterfall Hike 10-10-09 034
ems18: Southern Piscataquis Waterfall Hike 10-10-09 038
ems18: Almost
ems18: 31 Above the falls, looking downstream, August 2007
ems18: Rocks and birch by Kingsbury Stream, May 25, 2007
ems18: 30 Erosion detail, horizontal shot