ems18: Morrison Brook (2) 6-2-09
ems18: Jenny senior photo shoot 736
ems18: Gales Brook Falls 4-18-09 (2)
ems18: Kingsbury Stream, Abbot, below Thorn Brook, fall view
ems18: Bottle Brook redux
ems18: Mystery falls (7) May 11, 2008
ems18: Hebron Stream in low water, July 22, 2007
ems18: Bunker Brook, main falls
ems18: Bunker Brook waterfall, Shirley Maine
ems18: Gully Brook Falls, upper portion 5-25-09
ems18: Upper Shirley gorge, lower falls with boulder, close shot, June 21, 2008, full sun
ems18: Upper Shirley Falls 6-6-09
ems18: Lower Shirley Falls, detail shot, June 14, 2008
ems18: Bog falls, left side close-up
ems18: Hatch falls, lower falls, detail shot
ems18: Goodell Brook, upper falls, June 21, 2008, horizontal
ems18: Waterfall # 3, close shot
ems18: Top of the main falls another version 7-3-09
ems18: Leeman Brook falls, Elliotsville, vertical shot, May 10, 2008
ems18: Leeman Brook, main falls
ems18: Leeman Brook, slide falls
ems18: Main falls, horizontal shot
ems18: Below the dam (3)
ems18: 7 Edge of the falls, from above
ems18: Falls #1 & 2 again
ems18: Upper Wilson gorge, lower falls
ems18: Secret Pond Brook Falls
ems18: Main cascade
ems18: (13) Side view of main falls
ems18: Thompson Brook, upper falls of the upper tier, May 24, 2008