ems18: Morrison Brook 10-4-08 (1)
ems18: MorrisonBrook 10-4-08(2)
ems18: Pleasant River Walk, Brownville, 10-4-08
ems18: Villages project sign, Brownville
ems18: Baxter Park road (to south entrance), 10-04-08
ems18: View from the Golden Road, 10-04-08
ems18: Camp sign, Abol Stream, 10-04-08
ems18: Closed for the season. Abol Stream campground from Abol bridge, 10-04-08
ems18: From Abol bridge, 10-04-08
ems18: Upstream from Abol bridge, 10-04-08
ems18: Downstream from Abol bridge
ems18: West branch, above Abol campground
ems18: Ripogenus gorge
ems18: Ripogenus gorge (2)
ems18: Ripogenus gorge (3)
ems18: Ripogenus Lake (2)
ems18: Ripogenus Lake, from the dam
ems18: Ragged Lake, 10-4-08
ems18: Ragged Lake campsite, 10-4-08
ems18: First Roach Pond at Kokadjo, 10-4-08
ems18: First Roach Pond at Kokadjo (2), 10-4-08
ems18: Prong Pond Stream at Beaver Cove, 10-4-08
ems18: Lily Bay road scene (2), 10-4-08
ems18: Lily Bay road scene (1) 10-4-08
ems18: Lower Wilson Pond outlet dam 10-4-08
ems18: Catwalk over lower Wilson dam, 10-4-08
ems18: Looking down from the catwalk
ems18: Below the dam (1)
ems18: Below the dam (2)
ems18: Below the dam (3)