ems18: Beach at Wonderland, Acadia N.P., August 1993 (1)
ems18: Beach at Wonderland, Acadia N.P., August 1993 (2)
ems18: Jenny at Wonderland, Acadia National Park, August 1993
ems18: Trail at Wonderland, Acadia N.P. August 1993
ems18: Beech Mountain, Acadia National Park, Mount Desert Maine
ems18: Echo Lake, Acadia National Park, Mount Desert Maine
ems18: Somes Sound, Acadia N.P., August 1993
ems18: Lighthouse, off Southwest Harbor, August 2000
ems18: Bear Island Light, August 1997
ems18: Boating off MDI, out of Southwest Harbor, August 1997
ems18: Bar Harbor - schooner near town dock, 1996
ems18: Bar Harbor - Lobster boats at moorings, 1996
ems18: Ledges off Bar Harbor, 1996
ems18: Two more of the Porcupine Islands, 1996
ems18: Bar Harbor, 1996 - the breakwater and Porcupine Island
ems18: Schooner Natalie Todd off Bar Harbor, Maine
ems18: Day sailing, Bar Harbor, August 2003
ems18: Foredeck
ems18: Beth hoisting the foresail, off Bar Harbor, August 2003
ems18: Off Bar Harbor, August 2003
ems18: Jon at the helm, August 2003
ems18: Cormorants, off Southwest Harbor, August 2000
ems18: Wonderland, Acadia N.P. July 1993, vertical
ems18: Wild roses and irises at Wonderland, Acadia N.P. July 1993
ems18: Wonderland, Acadia N.P. July 1993 horizontal (2)
ems18: Wonderland, Acadia N.P. July 1993 horizontal (1)
ems18: Stone steps of the Dorr Mountain Trail, Acadia N.P. August 2003
ems18: Mackeral fishing, Southwest Harbor Maine, July 1998
ems18: Town dock, Southwest Harbor (1)
ems18: Town dock, Southwest Harbor (2)