ems18: Dreamscape
ems18: Moosehead Lake near Kineo, 1996
ems18: Upper Ebeemee Pond, with cloud-shrouded Mt. Katahdin in the distance
ems18: First Little Lyford Pond and Baker Mountain, August 2006
ems18: Buttermilk Falls horizontal shot
ems18: Lower Gauntlet Falls - vertical again
ems18: Gully Brook Falls, Blanchard
ems18: Lily Bay road scene (2), 10-4-08
ems18: Mystery falls (7) May 11, 2008
ems18: Open ledge and wind-flagged spruce, Chairback Mountain summit, July 2006
ems18: 9 Rainbow near the summit of west peak, Borestone Mountain, September 28, 1991
ems18: Pleasant River scene (2)
ems18: Pool and falls at High Bridge, July 14, 2007
ems18: Kingsbury Stream, Abbot, below Thorn Brook, fall view
ems18: Upper Tobey Falls, September 29, 2007 (2)
ems18: Sky canoe
ems18: Kingsbury Stream, Abbot Maine (2), October 2006
ems18: Foss Pond Brook 5-23-09 036
ems18: Piscataquis River Scene 5-30-09
ems18: Trail scene 6-20-09
ems18: North Pond Outlet
ems18: Shaman Island
ems18: Peaceful
ems18: Foggy morning
ems18: Like a fiord
ems18: Perfection
ems18: Misty morning
ems18: Nesuntabunt Mountain
ems18: View from Norumbega Mountain, looking south
ems18: North Pond, Monson Maine