ems18: Front porch and cat, 1999
ems18: Fall colors, October 1996(?)
ems18: Winter test photos 009
ems18: Garden gate
ems18: Random shot of our house, in summer.
ems18: In the garden
ems18: Driveway island
ems18: Rock wall and gate
ems18: Another rock wall shot.
ems18: Rock wall, maple trees and pumpkins, east Sangerville, October 1999
ems18: Two kids, a scarecrow and three pumpkins
ems18: Side deck and cat, October 1999
ems18: Jenny's senior photo shoot 686
ems18: Turkeys on Patrol!
ems18: Jenny in our back yard, summer 1999
ems18: "Don't sit under the apple tree . . . "
ems18: An apple (tree) in winter
ems18: East Sangerville (2), October 1996
ems18: Pomological Journal
ems18: Home-made kitchen island (1)
ems18: Home-made kitchen island (2)
ems18: Home-made dining table (1)
ems18: Home-made dining table (2)
ems18: Home-made dining table (3)
ems18: Home-made side table (1)
ems18: Looking Up Oct. 2008
ems18: Golden Carpet Oct. 2008
ems18: From the side deck, Oct. 2008
ems18: Foggy fall, Oct. 2008
ems18: Winter road scene