ems18: Moosehead Lake from downtown Greenville (3), August 2008
ems18: 300 Islands
ems18: Watery expanse
ems18: Mountain view
ems18: Rocky shore
ems18: Beach at Lily Bay State Park (1), May 2006
ems18: Beach at Lily Bay State Park (2), May 2006
ems18: Lily Bay State Park, October 1992 (2)
ems18: Beach at Lily Bay State Park (3), October 1992
ems18: Idyllic
ems18: Moosehead Lake near Kineo, 1996
ems18: Moosehead Lake near Rockwood, kids mugging for the camera, 1996
ems18: Moosehead Lake, Jenny and Jon mugging for the camera at Kineo docks, 1996
ems18: Wild irises, Kineo Island, July 4, 1991
ems18: Kineo Back Cove, Moosehead Lake, Maine
ems18: Moosehead Boat Ride (1), July 1995
ems18: Moosehead Boat Ride (2)
ems18: Moosehead Boat Ride (3)
ems18: Jenny and Jon at First Roach Pond, Kokadjo, May 1997
ems18: First Roach Pond at Kokadjo, 10-4-08
ems18: First Roach Pond
ems18: Little Notch Pond (1), Little Moose unit, Maine Public Reserve Land August 2006
ems18: Little Notch Pond (2), Little Moose Unit, Maine Public Reserve Land, August 2006
ems18: Bog view to Big Moose Mountain 5-30-09
ems18: Big Indian Pond, Little Moose Unit MPRL, 5-30-09
ems18: Onawa Lake, Borestone and Barren Mountains from the Ledges, Elliotsville Twp.
ems18: Onawa Lake and Barren Mountain from Onawa ledges August, 2006
ems18: 16 Onawa Lake, Barren Ledges and Bodfish Intervale from Borestone Mountain, October 2004
ems18: 17 Onawa Lake and Barren Mountain from Borestone Mountain, October, 2004
ems18: View from Barren ledges, looking southeast