ems18: Trail head
ems18: River drives
ems18: AT Trail Sign
ems18: Hermitage
ems18: AT Trail Sign
ems18: A rough patch
ems18: It's Official: This is a scenic area
ems18: Screw Auger Falls (1) upper falls
ems18: Screw Auger Falls (13) Gorge below upper Screw Auger Falls - vertical shot
ems18: Screw Auger Falls (14) Gorge below upper Screw Auger Falls horizontal shot
ems18: Gulf Hagas Brook above the middle falls
ems18: Screw Auger Falls (3) approach to Screw Auger Falls
ems18: Screw Auger Falls (4) through fir trees
ems18: Screw Auger Falls (6) stream level shot
ems18: Screw Auger Falls (7) Three trout from the pool at the main falls
ems18: Gulf Hagas below Buttermilk Falls, June 2006
ems18: 1 Gulf Hagas, typical scene in lower gorge.
ems18: Gulf Hagas, looking downstream from Buttermilk Falls
ems18: Buttermilk Falls, Gulf Hagas, another view
ems18: Buttermilk Falls, vertical shot
ems18: Vertically tilted slate at Buttermilk Falls, Gulf Hagas
ems18: Buttermilk Falls horizontal shot
ems18: 7 Jenny swimming at Buttermilk Falls, Gulf Hagas, August 2006
ems18: Rock profile in Gulf Hagas, August, 2006
ems18: Looking down into Gulf Hagas (3), August 2006
ems18: Gulf Hagas below Billings Falls, August, 2006
ems18: 11 Billings Falls, Gulf Hagas, Bowdoin College Grant East (3)
ems18: 12 Billings Falls, Gulf Hagas, another view
ems18: Billings Falls, Gulf Hagas, with view to Stair Falls upstream
ems18: Head of the Gulf, Bear Brook Falls, July 2007