ems18: They caught 'em!
ems18: Showing Off
ems18: Mackeral fishing, Southwest Harbor Maine, July 1998
ems18: 17 Four brook trout from Shirley Gorge June 29, 2007
ems18: Low's Bridge (1), June 6, 2008
ems18: Piscataquis River below Low's Bridge
ems18: Screw Auger Falls (7) Three trout from the pool at the main falls
ems18: Hand-Tied trout streamers from Ted Inman, Dexter Maine. Made by his father.
ems18: Thompson Brook, lower falls of the upper tier, May 24, 2008, distant view, vertical
ems18: Nice Fish
ems18: Seboeis Lake bass
ems18: Landing a salmon at Early's Landing, September 29, 2007
ems18: Salmon fisherman at Early's Landing, September 29, 2007
ems18: Houston Brook Falls
ems18: Houston Brook Falls (2)
ems18: Fishing the Pool
ems18: Jon fishing at Black Stream Falls, June 21, 2008
ems18: Brookie 5-23-09
ems18: Trout! 5-25-09
ems18: Thorn Brook, Kingsbury
ems18: Barely legal?
ems18: What's your angle?