ems18: Bear Pond Brook, vertical (3), June 21, 2008
ems18: Bear Pond Brook, horizontal (1), June 21, 2008
ems18: Bear Pond Brook, vertical (1), June 21, 2008
ems18: Leeman Brook falls, vertical distant shot, May 10, 2008
ems18: Leeman Brook falls, Elliotsville, vertical shot, May 10, 2008
ems18: Leeman Brook falls, Elliotsville, upper portion, May 10, 2008
ems18: Lily Pond, Monson, on the Appalachian Trail, May 10, 2008
ems18: North Pond, Elliotsville, July 19, 2008 (2)
ems18: North Pond, Elliotsville township, July 19, 2008, on the Appalachian Trail
ems18: North Pond, Elliotsville township, July 19, 2008, outlet at the AT crossing
ems18: North Pond, Elliotsville, July 19, 2008 (4), from opposite shore, vertical
ems18: North Pond Brook falls, main falls (3), May 10, 2008
ems18: North Pond Brook falls, main falls (1), May 10, 2008
ems18: North Pond Brook falls, distant view (1), May 10, 2008
ems18: North Pond Brook falls, lower falls (3), May 10, 2008
ems18: North Pond Brook falls, lower falls (1), May 10, 2008
ems18: Mud Pond, Elliotsville, July 19, 2008, on the Appalachian Trail
ems18: Around the bend again
ems18: Borestone Mountain, October 2004, entrance sign
ems18: Trail scene 6-20-09
ems18: Trailside ledge 6-20-09
ems18: Sunrise Pond 6-20-09
ems18: Sunrise Pond 6-20-09 126
ems18: 6 Borestone Mountain, October 2004, group hikers at mid-statation
ems18: 9 Rainbow near the summit of west peak, Borestone Mountain, September 28, 1991
ems18: 10 Borestone Mountain, view of Little Wilson valley, Midday and sunset ponds, September 28, 1991
ems18: 11 Borestone Mountain View to Wilson valley and Big Moose (formerly Squaw) Mountain, September 28, 1991
ems18: Borestone Mountain rainbow, September 28, 1991
ems18: Borestone Mountain, view from West Peak, horizontal, October 2004
ems18: 13 Borestone Mountain, October 2004, view from West Peak, vertical shot