ems18: Playing in the leaves (3)
ems18: Playing in the leaves (2)
ems18: Playing in the leaves (1)
ems18: Moosehead Boat Ride (1), July 1995
ems18: Moosehead Boat Ride (2)
ems18: Jon at the pebble beach, Manset, Southwest Harbor Maine
ems18: Jenny and Jon on the pebble beach at low tide
ems18: Jenny and Jon at the Moorings Inn (Manset), Southwest Harbor Maine
ems18: Houston Brook Falls (4)
ems18: Houston Brook Falls (3)
ems18: Houston Brook Falls (2)
ems18: Houston Brook Falls
ems18: Moosehead Lake near Kineo, 1996
ems18: Moosehead Lake near Rockwood, kids mugging for the camera, 1996
ems18: Moosehead Lake, Jenny and Jon mugging for the camera at Kineo docks, 1996
ems18: Jenny and Jon at Rockwood docks, 1996
ems18: Jenny and Jon at Lost Lobster Restaruant Greenville Maine, 1996
ems18: Two kids, a scarecrow and three pumpkins
ems18: Remembrance of Christmases Past
ems18: Remembrance of Christmases Past
ems18: They caught 'em!
ems18: Jenny and Jon on the dock at Kokadjo, Piscataquis County Maine, May 1997
ems18: Jenny and Jon at First Roach Pond, Kokadjo, May 1997
ems18: Jonathan in New Jersey, June 1997
ems18: Showing Off
ems18: Jennifer, Jonathan and U.S.S. Maine
ems18: Jennifer, Jonathan and revolutionary era cannon
ems18: Jenny and Jon at Castine harbor (1)
ems18: Jenny and Jon at Castine harbor (2)
ems18: Dice Head lighthouse, Castine Maine, August 1997