ems18: Monson - Goodell Brook Falls
ems18: AT Trail sign, Monson
ems18: Spectacle Pond, Monson, near the Appalachian Trail, June 21, 2008
ems18: Spectacle Pond, evening
ems18: Appalachian Trail 100 Mile Wilderness warning sign 4-20-09
ems18: AT 100 Mile Wilderness warning, Monson Maine
ems18: Spectacle Pond outlet, in April
ems18: Would you trust this bridge? 7-11-09
ems18: Miracle recovery 7-11-09
ems18: Goodell Brook in April
ems18: Goodell Brook, Monson Maine, near Appalachian Trail, September 2006
ems18: Goodell Brook above falls May 25, 2007 (2)
ems18: Still there
ems18: Above the upper falls
ems18: Goodell Brook waterfall on digital (2)
ems18: Goodell Brook waterfall on digital
ems18: Goodell Brook waterfall on digital (4)
ems18: Goodell Brook, upper falls
ems18: Goodell Brook, upper falls, Oct. 28, 2007 horizontal (2)
ems18: Goodell Brook, upper falls, June 21, 2008, horizontal
ems18: Goodell Brook, upper falls, June 21, 2008, vertical
ems18: Goodell Brook, Monson, upper falls, May 3, 2008
ems18: Goodell Brook, upper falls, May 3, 2008 (2)
ems18: Goodell Brook, upper falls 4-20-09
ems18: Goodell Brook, upper falls 5-2-09
ems18: Gorge wall at the upper falls on Goodell Brook 4-20-09
ems18: Oh, there it is.
ems18: Fall colors at Goodell Brook, October 6, 2007 (2)
ems18: Goodell Brook, upper falls, with no water October 6, 2007
ems18: Waterfall # 2, right side