long.fanger: please, may I have more?
long.fanger: came for tea and cookies
long.fanger: stopped by
long.fanger: looking for drinking water
long.fanger: hermit thrush
long.fanger: meal interruped
long.fanger: silent and watchful
long.fanger: at home
long.fanger: thrush and redbud
long.fanger: where he belongs
long.fanger: the shy and beautiful hermit thrush
long.fanger: in the woods
long.fanger: caught in sunshine
long.fanger: first sighting
long.fanger: hermit thrush
long.fanger: on the path
long.fanger: caught in the undergrowth
long.fanger: hermit thrush
long.fanger: to know him is to love him
long.fanger: thrush
long.fanger: hermit thrush
long.fanger: eating berries
long.fanger: the berries have been eaten.
long.fanger: on the path
long.fanger: hermit thrush in spring
long.fanger: going for the berries
long.fanger: hermit thrush
long.fanger: in the woods
long.fanger: without sun
long.fanger: secretive one