long.fanger: watching for grackles
long.fanger: red-bellied woodpecker fighting off the grackle
long.fanger: grackle and red-bellied woodpecker fight
long.fanger: at the suet feeder
long.fanger: red-bellied woodpecker
long.fanger: in the beech
long.fanger: helping with destruction
long.fanger: going up
long.fanger: an alert bird
long.fanger: courting birds
long.fanger: courtship continues
long.fanger: two of you
long.fanger: chasing each other
long.fanger: the dance
long.fanger: the game goes on
long.fanger: peek-a-boo
long.fanger: chickadee and red-bellied woodpecker
long.fanger: in winter sun
long.fanger: robin and red-bellied woodpecker among berries
long.fanger: colors of winter
long.fanger: looking for food upside down
long.fanger: red bellied woodpecker
long.fanger: red-bellied and wealth of berries
long.fanger: indulging
long.fanger: down the hatch
long.fanger: anyone else coming?
long.fanger: autumn begins
long.fanger: one of the kamekazi red-bellies
long.fanger: pileated pair with friend
long.fanger: red belly