Adam & Tess: D20_1290
Adam & Tess: DSC_6946
Adam & Tess: Logging North Of Auckland
Adam & Tess: North Shore?
Adam & Tess: North Shore Beach
Adam & Tess: Takapuna Beach!
Adam & Tess: The Port of Auckland
Adam & Tess: Mechanics Bay Heliport
Adam & Tess: Parnell Baths
Adam & Tess: Auckland Museum
Adam & Tess: New York
Adam & Tess: Central Park
Adam & Tess: DSC_8710
Adam & Tess: DSC_8391
Adam & Tess: Whale Tail - Boston
Adam & Tess: Empire State
Adam & Tess: DSC_2821_1
Adam & Tess: DSC_8663
Adam & Tess: _D204843
Adam & Tess: _D200058
Adam & Tess: _D200056
Adam & Tess: _D200052
Adam & Tess: _D200004
Adam & Tess: _D201027
Adam & Tess: _D200873
Adam & Tess: _D200843
Adam & Tess: _D200594
Adam & Tess: _D200486
Adam & Tess: _D200436
Adam & Tess: _D200435