mountain_doo2: Frost explosion
mountain_doo2: Magdavilla
mountain_doo2: Moss on a post
mountain_doo2: Our dream car. WOOG and I have a new toy. 😎
mountain_doo2: In case you wonder where I've been, my interests have changed slightly in recent years...
mountain_doo2: Pumpkin Patch Kid
mountain_doo2: Wall full of Happy!
mountain_doo2: Flags of Sumter
mountain_doo2: Flags of Sumter
mountain_doo2: Damage to Sumter
mountain_doo2: Damage to Sumter
mountain_doo2: Guns of Sumpter
mountain_doo2: Guns of Sumpter
mountain_doo2: Guns of Sumpter
mountain_doo2: Fort Sumter, South Carolina
mountain_doo2: USS Yorktown
mountain_doo2: Coming in low and slow
mountain_doo2: Herc overhead
mountain_doo2: Hercules Lomo Effect
mountain_doo2: Caught ya!
mountain_doo2: Hummingbird #3
mountain_doo2: Hummingbird attempt 1
mountain_doo2: Hummingbird attempt 2 Lomo affect
mountain_doo2: Confederate Memorial, Richmond VA
mountain_doo2: Still Standing
mountain_doo2: Superman and Rescue Squad...
mountain_doo2: Steam rises as Martinsville works the late shift
mountain_doo2: Angels appear to watch...
mountain_doo2: Another firework shot