stefano zerauschek:
Spring Has Finally Arrived!!! :-)
stefano zerauschek:
Sauris Embanked Lake, 977m a.s.l., Carnia Mountain Region, Udine, FVG, Italia
stefano zerauschek:
One of the Many Caves Dug by the Rak Along Its Life. Shortly, the Water Digs the Limestone to Make Its Way and Creates Caves, then the Vault of the Caves Collapses and the Karst Geography Changes, Continuously; Notranjsko-Kraška Regija, Slovenija
stefano zerauschek:
The Highest Asphalted Road in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia, up to 2000m a.s.l., Winds Along the Steep Grassy Slopes of Mount Crostis (2251m a.s.l.) and Its Soft Mountain Chain, Carnia, Udine, Italia
stefano zerauschek:
Let the Sun Go Up Over Me...and Over the Very Damp and Cool Bloško Polje; Bloke, Notranjsko-Kraška Regija, JZ Slovenija
stefano zerauschek:
Have a Better 2021 than that JUNK Just Ended; It Wouldn't Seem Difficult, but... Greetings from Trieste, Italia, 31-12-2020!
stefano zerauschek:
After the Early December 2020 Heavy Snowfalls, Dense, Humid and Cold Air Remained Trapped in the Alpine Valleys Which Generates a Gloomy and Monochromatic Atmosphere, Illuminated by the Abundant Snowcover Only; Val Rauna, Eastern Carnic Alps, Udine, Italy
stefano zerauschek:
There Was a Road in the Woods... Now It Is Closed for 3 Avalanches that Submerged It; Predil, Tarvisio-Sella Nevea Local Road, Julian Alps, FVG, Italia
stefano zerauschek:
On the Eastern Bank of Lake Pramollo (1528m a.s.l.), at the Foot of Creta di Pricot (2203m a.s.l., Cavallo Group) Which, as Often, Acts as an Orographic Barrier to the (High Pressure) Humidity that Goes up the Canal del Ferro; Carnic Alps, Udine, FVG, I
stefano zerauschek:
On the Upper Limit of Thermal Inversion During a Misty Sunset Over the Gulf of Trieste, with Advection Fog in the Lower Air Layers; Trieste City Karst Ridge "Srednji Vršič" Top (445m a.s.l.), FVG, Italia
stefano zerauschek:
The Foliage of the Beech Trees (Fagus sylvatica) Reaches the "Rio del Lago" Stream Valley; the Greenery Rising from the Valley Floor Towards the Higher Altitudes. In the Background there's Mount Mangart (2677m a.s.l.); Julian Alps, Udine, FVG, Italy
stefano zerauschek:
Storming Sunset On Trieste Gulf/Tržáški Zalív
stefano zerauschek:
Full Summer at Lake Predil; Julian Alps, FVG, Italia
stefano zerauschek:
Sauris Lake, Carnia, Udine, FVG, Italia
stefano zerauschek:
The Storm Thickens on the Sea, while a Little Bit of Sun Comes Out Along the Coast; Lazaret/Lazzaretto Bay, Northern Istra/Istria, Slovenija/Italia
stefano zerauschek:
Thermal Inversion Low Stratified Radiation Fog On Metulje Basin (717m a.s.l.); Internal Karst Region/Notranjska, Bloke, Slovenija
stefano zerauschek:
"Giacomo Savorgnan di Brazzà" Refuge, 1660m a.s.l., Is the Starting Point for Many Mountaineering Excursions on the Mount Jôf di Montasio Group (2754m a.s.l.), the Long Mountain Chain Above It; Montasio Plateau, Western Julian Alps, FVG, Italia
stefano zerauschek:
The Only Deciduous Neddle-Leaves Coniferous Tree in Europe - the European Larch (Larix decidua) - with Its Light Shade in the Best Season; 1706m a.s.l., Cadore/Carnia, Veneto/Friuli-VG, Italia
stefano zerauschek:
"Creta di Mimoias" Ridge (2320m a.s.l.) and Mount Terza Grande (2586m a.s.l.), from Sella/Saddle Ciampigotto (1790m a.s.l.); Carnic Alps of Veneto, Vigo di Cadore, Belluno, Italia
stefano zerauschek:
The Imposing, Rocky and Wild "Cima dei Preti" (Multi) Massif, 2706m a.s.l., and the Empty, "Desert" Bed of the Temporary Cimoliana Creek Which Gives Its Name to the Valley; Friulian Dolomites, Pordenone, FVG, Italia
stefano zerauschek:
Pudob Village Church (584m a.s.l.) and the "Veliki Obrh" Stream, Which Further Emphasizes the Hoar Frost and Which Never Freezes Due to Its Karst Nature Underground Springs; Loška Dolina, Internal Karst Region-Notranjska, Slovenija
stefano zerauschek:
High Altitude Air; Julian Alps, Italy
stefano zerauschek:
Pure White Snow Enhances Water Color of the Underground Springs "Zelenci"; Julian Alps of Slovenia, Sava Upper Valley, Kranjska Gora
stefano zerauschek:
Pokljuka Plateau is Almost Uninhabited, with the Exception of Isolated Historic Houses Gathered in a Few Settlements; Eastern Julian Alps, Zgornjesavska, Slovenija
stefano zerauschek:
Mount Storžič (2132m a.s.l.) after the Last Snowfall of this Really Poor Cold Season, Largely Concluded; Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe Mountain Group "A", Slovenija
stefano zerauschek:
Trnovski Gozd "Smrekova Draga"/Spruce Trees Valley; Northern Coastal Karst Region, Severna Primorska, Ajdovščina, Slovenija
stefano zerauschek:
The Wrong Side...
stefano zerauschek:
Postojna Basin (Postojnska Kotlina) Precious Wheat Fields; Internal Karst Region, Notranjska, Slovenija
stefano zerauschek:
The Storm Recedes and Dissipates in "Cirrus cumulogenitus" During the First Phase of a Post-Frontal Sunset Photographed from the Low Muddy Coast of Fossalon di Grado, Gulf of Trieste-Gorizia Side, FVG, Italia
stefano zerauschek:
When the "Cauliflower" Top of a Cumulonimbus Calvus Fades, Capilarizing, into Cumulonimbus Capillatus, at Its Base, Precipitation is Certain; Črnotiče Karst Dorsal, Primorska, Slovenska Čičarija