Dowbiggin: Repeated reminder from Joshua 1
Dowbiggin: Thank you to all those who grow the crops that feed our country!
Dowbiggin: The view from behind the wheel
Dowbiggin: Refreshment
Dowbiggin: Lanterns
Dowbiggin: Puppies
Dowbiggin: Bella
Dowbiggin: Avie
Dowbiggin: I caught another pretend fish!
Dowbiggin: Future pesto?
Dowbiggin: Audrey and Cam "fishing"
Dowbiggin: Fisher folks
Dowbiggin: Garden lantern
Dowbiggin: Prayer flags
Dowbiggin: Prayer flags from Bhutan
Dowbiggin: Washed out
Dowbiggin: Fruit of the Vine
Dowbiggin: Man made fossils
Dowbiggin: This is my friend's YARD!!! No, really!
Dowbiggin: Cameron's haul of "fish" for the day
Dowbiggin: A man and his dog. And his beer. @room162 and Bella
Dowbiggin: Lights are ON
Dowbiggin: Burnin' stuff (the firewood in the back used to be the old deck)
Dowbiggin: The moon through the trees
Dowbiggin: Farmer John
Dowbiggin: John, Cam, fire
Dowbiggin: Night of the Living Sunflowers
Dowbiggin: Orbs of Light
Dowbiggin: Mmmm....bacon..... @iteachag
Dowbiggin: Yellow