Dowbiggin: Found a new variety of Pocky in Japan. And now they're gone.
Dowbiggin: For a while there, it wasn't certain I was gonna make it. PC: Alana Butler
Dowbiggin: Monkey mama and baby. After a climb that damn near killed me. 🐒
Dowbiggin: Another shrine shot, from yesterday (Fushimi Inari-taisha)
Dowbiggin: More Miyajima sights
Dowbiggin: This deer is not having it.
Dowbiggin: Otorii at Miyajima Island
Dowbiggin: My "windswept and interesting, I'm on a boat" selfie
Dowbiggin: ❤️ My 2017 baby Eagles are flying the nest right now and I can't be with them. ❤️
Dowbiggin: One candy left. #allmine #allbymyself #notthecelinedionversion #ericcarmen4eva
Dowbiggin: Iced "straight" tea with sugar syrup and some Japanese candies.
Dowbiggin: Golden Pavilion
Dowbiggin: My view on the Shinkansen car we're in. #Woz @adambellow
Dowbiggin: This was my third small bowl of ramen (of three) at the Ramen Museum. This was Tonkatsu. First was shuyo then miso.
Dowbiggin: Dessert after a lovely meal. In which I ate jellyfish. But didn't know that's what I was eating until I'd eaten most of it. I guess that kind of thing happens sometimes.
Dowbiggin: Lunch today at school. At upper right is a small dish of pickles and pickled radish. I ate everyone's (so four of those dishes) with my rice.
Dowbiggin: A "short" iced chai latte.
Dowbiggin: RomanceCar train back to hotel!
Dowbiggin: Tried a pastry from "Hirota" shop
Dowbiggin: Lunch (after)
Dowbiggin: Lunch (before)
Dowbiggin: My East-meets-West breakfast this morning. SO GOOD! Oishi desu!
Dowbiggin: Shrine where we "washed" our money for wealth.
Dowbiggin: Happy shu mai! #iseefacesinthings
Dowbiggin: Tempura for dinner
Dowbiggin: My breakfast this morning
Dowbiggin: Dinner last night. Container at lower right had green tea soba noodles, container at lower center had miso soup.
Dowbiggin: Chanko lunch cooking
Dowbiggin: Lunch today: Chanko. It's a big pot of soup that sumo wrestlers eat during tournaments. This was for 4 people. #harkertogs
Dowbiggin: Western-style toilet with bidet features