laura::simplegifts: GYPO 4b Reworked : Week 5
Make it Modern: 27 apr 12 016
ginnybranch: anandamayi arnold surprise balls
ginnybranch: english garden moodboard
Patty Graves: IMG_3914
Patty Graves: IMG_3915
Patty Graves: IMG_3987
Patty Graves: IMG_3968
Patty Graves: IMG_3969
Rob Lee: The fox visits on a cold night
Rob Lee: Fox Asleep on the Deck
Rob Lee: Freddy Tongue
Rob Lee: Fuzzy Freddy
Rob Lee: Fox on Porch
astulabee: ponies in progress
ghosts for a ghost: ghosts bleed don't they
mousesleeves: black-&-white moleskine, day 10 with variegated pod
mousesleeves: two moleskines, side by side
mousesleeves: black-&-white moleskine, pods & fronds
contemporary embroidery: re-stocking imminent
parallelbotany: work in progress - embroidery #1
parallelbotany: work in progress - embroidery #3 - rose detail
astulabee: lions in progress
craftybirdy: christmas day nap