françois26: Abelharuco - Bee-eater - Merops apiaster
Andrei Linde: Passion
dbuk2: Wurdemann's
Celi Aurora: Donacobius atricapillus ( Sabiá-do-brejo ou Batuquira ou Japacamim ou Pássaro-angu ) - Black-capped Donacobius - 12563a
look to see: superb blue wren male
Dario Sanches: SABIÁ-BARRANCO (Turdus leucomelas)
Charles Machado: a d v e n t u r e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jim Frazee: Emerald Dove
Bertrando©: Fifi-verdadeiro, Purple-throated Euphonia (Euphonia chlorotica)
Celi Aurora: Icterus jamacaii ( Concriz ou Corrixo ou Sofrê ou Corrupião ) Coral tree - 15951
Celi Aurora: Sicalis flaveola ( Canário-da-terra-verdadeiro ou Chapinha ou Canário-de-telha ) - 13399
John&Fish: #3 白耳倒咬
John&Fish: #329 五色粉散 (So Pink !)
Celi Aurora: Tyrannus savana - 11773
Edgar Barany: Landing
FreeSpirit5: I'm Stuck!
HanaS.: merry christmas
ruthiedee: Plumage~
The JASS: Still Working
sergio boeira: FAISÃO DE MÁSCARA ....
AleXx_G: Macroglossum Stellatarum - Sfinge del Galio
brodmann's 17: colorful one SANTI MERODIO 9353 - Foto Maxi del Campo
Celi Aurora: Tyrannus savana ( Tesoura ) - 7851
astanse♥(Angela Stansell): And the rain, rain, rain came down, down, down...........
Kerri Afford: Blue Wren
ragtops2000: Great day...
judder1952: Bald Eagle..The Gauntlet Bird of Prey and Vulture Park.