Camerar :-): Caria mantinea
achtmart: Stieglitz /Goldfinch
achtmart: Blue Tit/ Blaumeise
achtmart: Blue Tit/ Blaumeise
achtmart: Young Robin/Junges Rotkehlchen
Torok_Bea: Heliconius hewitsoni
Torok_Bea: Siproeta stelenes
Torok_Bea: Pararge aegeria tircis
Torok_Bea: Tés windmill
Torok_Bea: Heliconius cydno
pedro lastra: Ruby Topaz Hummingbird in flight, Trinidad. "Chrysolampis mosquitus"
pedro lastra: Three of a kind. Paper Kite Butterflies frolicking around Peregrina flowers. Idea leuconoe. Wings of the Tropics. Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden.
pedro lastra: Ruby Topaz Hummingbird in flight, Trinidad. "Chrysolampis mosquitus"
pedro lastra: Colibri Cola de Raqueta, Finca Alejandria, Los Andes, Colombia.
pedro lastra: Costa's Hummingbird, Wings of the Tropics, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden.
pedro lastra: Long billed Star throat Hummingbird in flight. Trinidad.
pedro lastra: Little Hermit Hummingbird dancing in the air in flight, Trinidad.
pedro lastra: Male Paper Kite Butterfly using his "hair pencils" to spray pheromones and alkaloids on the female. Wings of the Tropics, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden.
pedro lastra: Golden Tanager, Bosque Nebuloso, Finca Alejandría, Los Andes, Colombia.
pedro lastra: Ruby Topaz Hummingbird in flight dancing in the air, Trinidad.
pedro lastra: Green Hermit Hummingbird takes a dive while in flight.
pedro lastra: Costa's Hummingbird Slippin' me the tongue, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, Miami, Florida.
maj-lis photo: butterfly
☜✿☞ Bo ☜✿☞: Up close and personal with Lily .... 😊
☜✿☞ Bo ☜✿☞: Sauternes wine and strawberry ... 🍷🍷🍷
Rui Pará: Colobura dirce
Animais do Brasil: Hamadryas februa
Animais do Brasil: Eunica tatila