williamdepetris: Chemical Engine. 19th and South Streets 1908
williamdepetris: Southwest Corner Juniper and Chestnut Streets 1955
williamdepetris: East approaching temporary Market St bridge 1931
williamdepetris: 1830 Chestnut Streets 1955
williamdepetris: Market St Bridge Construction E. end. 1931
williamdepetris: Market St bridge construction N side 1931
williamdepetris: General view, progress of construction on Market St. bridge 1932
williamdepetris: Construction of Bridge E. from center of Schuylkill River 1931
williamdepetris: Pennsylvania Terminal Improvement-Constructing Ramp - 30th and Market Streets. Men at Work 1931
williamdepetris: Looking North - From Roof of Baggage Ramp - Pennsylvania Railroad - 30th Street Station 1950
williamdepetris: Ludlow St subway, west of 33rd St, east of Bent 100, showing structures beams and side wall forms 1948
williamdepetris: Triangular Plot - Market - Ludlow - 33rd Sts 1947
williamdepetris: Market Street-East-From 32nd Street 1952
williamdepetris: Market St subway - view east from 33rd st. 1949
williamdepetris: Market St Subway-View east of Triangle bounded by Market, Ludlow and 33rd St. 1950
williamdepetris: Market St Subway 33rd St staion at track level. View S.W. at bt. 27 1949
williamdepetris: Ground Breaking. 33rd & Market St 1979
williamdepetris: Ground Breaking. 33rd & Market St 1947
williamdepetris: Market St at junction of Woodland ave 1932
williamdepetris: Market St excavation, looking east from center of 34th St 1948
williamdepetris: Market St subway-view east on subway floor toward 36th St, bulkhead, north side 1950
williamdepetris: Portal Building interior, view, east from 36th St end 1950
williamdepetris: E. on Market St. at 37th St. Shovel making excavation.. 1949
williamdepetris: Market St subway, east of 36th St, showing rough steam shovel excavation and main concrete piers supporting the El system 1949
williamdepetris: Market St. Subway. Steam shovel excavation. E.H.L. of 40th St. View E 1949
williamdepetris: Market St Subway-view east from west end of 40th St station platform, west bound track 1950
williamdepetris: Market St. Subway--E. of 42nd St. View E. Pile driver 1949
williamdepetris: Gas station corner of Powleton Ave & Market st. View east 1949
williamdepetris: South Side-Market Street Between 45th and 46th St 1914
williamdepetris: Market St Subway-view East from 46th St platform 1950